The Search & Countdown For The Olympics countinues
This is a very interesting thing I have been following since I started this blog. First is the countdown because as the Olympics date draws closer more & more news about the Olympics. There are more things to blog about but again I will only stick to blogging about everything Sports & Olympics. Lately, the news circulating around the net have all been politics which shouldn't be the case for the Olympics. The Olympics is a venue for friendly competition & setting aside of differences in preferences, advocacy & principles so that it may be in turn be a venue for understanding and peaceful dialog right after.

On the other hand, I have also been watching developments on how people around the world search for information about the Olympics. I can't help but laugh about these search terms have extracted using word tracker. Laugh with me...

"sports cream death", "play sports games","ultram ny olympic bid hits funding snag japan shuttle seeks", "ultram ny olympic bid hits funding snag japan leaders bush", "ultram ny olympic bid hits funding snag japan georgia", "bee gees news"

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