Beijing Olympics Emap - A Look at China ( Google Earth )

Western Union
For the curious Olympic fans who want to see what the Beijing Olympics surroundings are, here's a few maps to enjoy. These map views are in different time of the construction of the Beijing Olympic Venues. You may notice that the pictures have been taken while China was busy constructing the buildings. Unfortunately even the snapshot of Google Earth for the Beijing Olympics is not updated. Most probably taken in 2006. For the hell-bent on attending the Olympic events live. I'd suggest you buy an Beijing tour map once you get to land on Beijing.

Here's the Google Map of the Olympic Stadium ( Bird's nest )

Here's the screenshot of beijing:

Here's the map from the Official Website of the 2008 Beijing Olympics:

It doesn't hurt to bring a small pocket book of Chinese-English Translation as you may expect little English proficiency from the Beijing locals.

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