Not known too many, China has given a compliance requirement to all blog providers in China that they need to register using their real names if people want to blog. The Chinese government has openly admitted that this directive has been given to major blogging hosts but has decided not to do a press release on the story. Big blogs providers have easily complied with the new order. Blog providers like People's Daily online,,, Most recently, Yahoo has complied as well.
There are 30 million bloggers in China alone & 130 million internet users. Next only to the U.S in terms of number of internet users, China is second only to Americans, China is has a big potential of Money-making people. The huge number of number of untapped viewers have made Blogging about China & the Olympics have made it a very lucrative business & for the activist bloggers have made the event a good leverage to promote there own cause.
I must admit, I got into blogging about the Olympics after realizing this fact. If I can just get into a Chinese social blogging community. Hmm... I think that I will do tomorrow.
There's one hitch about this deal i can't seem to figure out though... How can the Chinese government determine or make sure that people are using their real names when registering for a blog?
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